Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I resolve...

I don't generally make resolutions - I just end up breaking them and feel bad that I did. So I haven't done it in decades. However, in honor of my entry into 2009 as the "celestial favorite" since I'm Aquarius, I thought I'd give it a stab some 20 years later.

I resolve:
  • to be more appreciative of what I have
  • to help others more now that I'm getting settled (made a good start tonight for a couple burned out on Christmas Eve)
  • to re-focus on using "Love and Logic" with my children
  • to accept others as they are and find a way to have a relationship with them even if it is difficult to do (this will be a tough one)
  • to excel at my job, pursue my main interests into a viable side business and help launch a particular project launch to which I'm fully committed to see succeed.
  • to figure out all this twitter stuff - I'm not a very good twitterer so far but I'm trying!
  • to smoke less, drink better (craft beer sampling exclusively), and quit staying up so late
  • to walk more, get back into yoga (that DVD sitting on top of the TV can't stay there ALL year!)
  • to save money in an emergency fund and set up another account for taking the children camping in UT and to Disneyworld
  • to be more patient, accept I can't control everything, and continue to grow and deepen the intimacy in my relationships with loved ones
  • to bake more cookies with the children and loosen some of the apron strings outside the kitchen
  • to write more, take lampworking and wirework classes, and further my knowledge and involvement in all my interests outside of family, work and friends
  • to camp as much as possible with my children and my friends (this only applies when it's less than 80 degrees;)
  • to design, plan, prepare, save and buy materials for one really big, badass beading project and get it started!
  • to do the 27 fling boogie WAY more often, de-clutter and re-organize (see, this is why I don't make resolutions anymore...I have the best of intentions)
  • to write more thank-you notes, I-love-you notes and notes of encouragement
  • to continue to write (when the spirit moves me) long handwritten letters to people who are important/have been important and let them know what I love about them, how important they are to me and how I appreciate them in specific ways
  • to figure out where I want to be in 5 years and develop a plan to get there
  • to indulge in at least 2 full body massages this year
  • to light more candles and put on relaxing music at least one night a month (I had week on there but I have to be at least somewhat realistic)
  • to learn everything I can about beer, music, recording, artist promotion, non-profits, and my own little business
  • to not be afraid to invest in myself
  • to learn to use my new camera and shoot photos the way I see them in my head
  • to fall in love every single day with life, my children, my friends, with every moment and exhaust it as it falls into the next moment of love
  • to take an art class, even a short one - say at Hobby Lobby, just to see if I'm as bad as I remember;)
  • to scrapbook my children's lives and my sister's wedding
  • to take at least one pleasure getaway with my SO that isn't camping
  • to fold my laundry when it comes out of the dryer every time instead of waiting because I'm in the middle of something else
  • to explore - always experiencing a sense of wonder, wide-eyed excitement and curiousity - to be fully present and connected
  • to drink more milk, eat more salad and get back to "slow food"
  • to recycle more than I did this year
  • to finally succeed at producing one tomato minimum, grown solely by moi
  • to figure out the pasta mystery
  • to take a cooler full of lunches to my homeless guys downtown one afternoon - I miss them
  • to love, trust, laugh, show deep compassion and love more - always...

And to think this is just the beginning - my luck is changing and my life is too. Every day is a new beginning. Life will manifest itself in ways I may not understand but I must trust that it will blossom when, like the plant, it's needs are met and the time is right.

Happy New Year and for my German friends - "Ich wunsche Euch einen Guten Rutsch ins Neues Jahr!"

1 comment:

Todd said...

Holy Cow Sweet Mother of Jeezus! You got a list as long as my arm! (and I got long arms)
